New Buyer Clients Always Wonder…

New Buyer Clients Always Wonder… Whenever I meet new buyer clients, there is anticipation in the air, measured by nervousness. As we talk through the home buying process and I ask questions to make sure we getting a game plan together to meet their goals, the new buyer client will inevitably ask, “What is the Read More …

Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone When Selling

Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone When Selling Over the course of years when meeting with sellers, the message is given time and again, “You don’t sell a home the way you live in a home.” What does that mean? Your day to day drop zones, clutter and habits need to be transformed. Spaces suited Read More …

Beware This Scam if You are a Homer Owner

Beware This Scam if You are a Homer Owner While not a new scam to hit home owners, local police are warning against individuals posing as driveway paving contractors who offer great deals on a paving job while seeking deposits up front. What happens in this scam is that a contractor offers a great deal Read More …

A Costly Real Estate Myth

A Costly Real Estate Myth In my career as a listing agent, I have helped hundreds of home owners sell their properties. As many as I have helped, you could double easily that number to reflect the number of home owners I have met with that believe a real estate myth that is costing them Read More …

HOA & Condo Capitalization Fees

HOA & Condo Capitalization Fees Having worked in the Gainesville/Haymarket area real estate market since 2005, one time capitalization fees are a normal part of a buyer’s real estate fees, most typically seen in gated communities and in condo buildings. Also known as capital contribution fees, these capitalization fees are disclosed in the HOA or Read More …

The Gifts of the Season

The Gifts of the Season What a wonderful holiday season! December is always one of my favorite months, despite the shortened hours of sunlight we experience this time of year. The sights and sounds of the holiday season always brighten the darkness. This year was no different. This year, I made it a point to Read More …

Thoughts of Home on This Thanksgiving Eve

Thoughts of Home on This Thanksgiving Eve As night falls on this Thanksgiving Eve, I am so thankful for those that have trusted me to help them purchase their homes, sell their homes, rent investment properties and find rental homes this year and all the years prior. Finding someone a place to call home, or Read More …

What a Great Friday the 13th

What a Great Friday the 13th Friday the 13th doesn’t have a great connotation with many people, myself included. Maybe too many horror movies from my childhood days. Call me silly, but when I saw the month of October had a Friday the 13th, it creeped me out. What happened today was nothing I would Read More …

Why Do Home Inspectors Look in the Attic?

Why Do Home Inspectors Look in the Attic? A while back I was looking through some statistics on my website. I am always curious to know how many people I am reaching and what they typed in to find my site if they came through a search engine. Someone was Googling, “Why do home inspectors Read More …

If at First You Don’t Succeed…

If at First You Don’t Succeed… The sellers market in Northern Virginia has been ripe with the tales multiple offers and buyers waiving whatever they can in order to be the one offer in a pile chosen by the seller. The tales of buyer remorse are those often quietly discussed between agents, largely hidden from Read More …