Selling a home can be a stressful process. How we live is not how we sell. Home owners usually know their properties need polishing, but may not know how much. From the moment I meet future sellers I help them evaluate the projects they should be taking on prior to listing, and just as importantly, the projects not to do. Getting the biggest bang for the buck is the priority for most when selling is on the horizon. Taking the lead time available and prioritizing projects likely to net the highest return is what I help sellers with months, sometimes years, before they actually hit the market.
Updates and property condition have an impact on the price buyers will ultimately pay, no matter the market conditions. My approach helps you determine if spending money on projects is worth the investment. A fresh coat of paint throughout the home may cost a few thousand, but could return as much as four times that amount in a sales price. The same with new light fixtures, flooring or kitchen counter tops.
It may seem overwhelming, but my process of evaluating which projects are worth taking on is where I can save you time and money, ultimately setting you up for the maximum return on their largest investment. And the sooner we get started, the less stressful the process. It is never too early to engage my services. Let’s talk about the projects you have in mind when selling is in your future and set you up for maximum return on your largest investment.